요넥스 테니스라켓 브이코어 100 - 2023
Head Size:100sq.in.
Unstrung Weight: 300g
Power Level: Low - Medium
Racquet Length:  27in / 68.58cm
Beam Width: 25.3mm / 25.3mm / 22mm
String Pattern:16 M / 19 X
String Tension:    45 - 60 Pounds
Unstrung Balance:    4 Points Head Light



The YONEX VCORE 100 7th Gen Tennis Racquet continues the spin friendly tradition of its predecessors. With this model, YONEX trimmed the beam width in the upper hoop of the racquet for optimized feel and less wind resistance. The 2 and 10 o`clock positions of the head have been widened slightly, which stretches the sweet spot for a higher launch angle. Advanced players will love the new throat design which offers better energy return, stability, and power. Yonex used Silicon Oil infused Grommets at the top and bottom of the head to reduce friction between the strings and grommets. Aerofins have been a staple of the VCORE series for a while, they serve to make the frame cut through the air more easily, for better spin and control. As with the version 6, the VCORE 100 has Vibration Dampening Mesh wrapped inside the handle to filter unwanted vibrations. The VCORE 100 7th Gen plays with more power than the previous model, but it is still a very controllable and spin friendly frame for intermediate and advanced players. This model is surprisingly stable on flatter shots given the lighter weight.